Apartment for Rent in Buenos Aires

  • My wedding is in two months and we had to decide where to stay in Buenos Aires. I visited http://www.palermoapartments.com.ar it's a website recommended in a Yahho! Answer (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070402065851AA0rTDi).

    I showed it to Jean Pierre (my future husband) and we agree that is a perfect place to spend our honeymoon. The last decission is to choose one of the two apartments they offer.

    I expect this words are usefull to anyone.
    Best wishes.

    09 Apr 2007, 06:49 Fabiana Paulinelli
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  • Correct one of the urls

    This is the coorect url for the Yahoo! Answer:

    Best wishes.

    Fabiana Paulinelli 09 Apr 2007, 06:55 - Report
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