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    09 Jul 2008, 08:04 Euro Academy 023
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  • job

    I have complet my and I want a work visa in Italy if you have some job Related to Marketing job and other field so please inform to me.
    I am waiting for your reply

    Thanks and Regards

    Pardeep saini

    # 2863A

    Sector 15

    Panchkula (Haryana)

    Country INDIA

    Mb. +91-9888434477

    E-Mail ID ;- [email removed]

    Pardeep Saini 01 Aug 2008, 02:10 - Verstoß melden
  • Free Work Visa Italy

    I have complet my E.COM and I want a work visa in Italy if you have some job Related to Marketing & Computer job and other field so please inform to me.

    I am waiting for your reply

    Kind Regards,
    Vikas Sharma

    vikas sharma 19 Mär 2009, 11:44 - Verstoß melden
  • looking job

    i am living in italy with permisso di sogr. i have MBA degree and also done 15 months diploma in computer studies with experience of Purchase Manager in Pakistan, looking job if you have.

    languages... english , italian, urdu

    waiting for your early positive reply

    thanks and best regards

    email. [email removed]
    cell.. 00393206141215

    saleem ahmad 05 Jun 2009, 12:23 - Verstoß melden
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